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A walk on the embedded side . . . of LinuxWorld

Sep 1, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views founder Rick Lehrbaum takes his customary “walk on the embedded side” of LinuxWorld, at the 2001 show in San Francisco, and reports on the status of “all things embedded and embeddable” at the show. Lehrbaum writes . . .

“This week, the world's largest Linux-oriented conference was held in San Francisco, CA — the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. Despite the current worldwide economic downturn, the show's organizers announced earlier this summer that pre-registrations for the show had broken all previous records, and optimistically predicted an attendance of over 20,000.”

“Although the actual attendance count is not yet available as of this writing, it is clear that attendance fell far below the predicted number. Overall, everyone agreed that the atmosphere this year was much more subdued than at last year's West Coast mega-event. Consistent with the slump in the economy, the number of exhibitors dropped off — down to around 150, from over 200 last year — as did the volume of news and new product announcements.”

“Despite the disappointing turnout and diminished level of enthusiasm at the show, there was near-universal agreement that one thing seemed to have grown stronger over the past six to twelve months — Embedded Linux . . ..”

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