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Agenda Computing Germany dissolving?

Mar 12, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

A reader reports . . .

According to a Pro-Linux published report, the German offices of Agenda Computing are in a “dissolution phase,” apparently marking the end of the Agenda VR3 Linux-based PDA.

Reportedly, Jürgen Schuster, the managing director of Agenda Computing Germany has stated that Agenda Computing could not find necessary investors and cited “moderate co-operation between the device and Windows” as contributing problems leading to the “dissolution”.

Agenda aspired to be a pure Linux PDA. Agenda's VR3 boasted 66 MHz MIPS CPU, with a 32/64-Bit-Hybrid, 8 MB SDRAM and 16 MB on board Flash ROM. The VR3's operating system is Linux-VR.

The software is still being supported by the Open Source community via

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