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Benchmark report of 58-node Linux Cluster performance [IBM]

Mar 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This whitepaper from IBM presents the results of testing conducted on a 58-node Cluster 1300 system, simultaneously running eight instances of e-Business Trade 2 benchmark tests on Red Hat Linux 7.1. This solution mounted in only three racks supported 800,000 users, serving an unprecedented 12,547 requests/sec with an average response time of 0.27 sec/request.

“In recent years servers running the Linux operating system have begun to rival in popularity other servers UNIX and Windows operating systems (OS). Linux's promise to offer a low-costcomputing power is particularly attractive to applications such as web-hosting and scientific computation, which typically require numerous systems and a lot of cheap, number-crunching power.”

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