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Build New Embedded System with NIC in the Second ELJ Contest

Apr 10, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Seattle, WA — (press release excerpt) — Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC), publisher of the bi-monthly print magazine Embedded Linux Journal (ELJ), is pleased to announce the second ELJ contest, based on the New Internet Computer (NIC).

Project proposals for using the NIC as an embedded system are due by July 6, 2001. “This is a great little device and we feel it has a lot of potential. I think this contest will be a real eye-opener for quite a few people,” said ELJ Editorial Director and Publisher, Phil Hughes. The NIC was reviewed in the February 2001 issue of ELJ's sister publication, Linux Journal. , which can be found at . For more information on the NIC, visit the official NIC website.

Twenty finalists will receive a NIC from The New Internet Computer Company. After completing their proposed projects, due on February 4, 2002, a winner and two runners-up will be picked. The grand prize winner will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Costa Rica and the two runners-up will each receive a Lego Mindstorms package. Complete contest details are in the May/June 2001 issue of Embedded Linux Journal and contest progress will also be documented in upcoming issues of Embedded Linux Journal.

A complete listing of contest requirements and rules will be posted on the ELJ website with the May/June 2001 issue. More information on ELJ contests is available online, here.

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