Calls for papers issued for ELC Europe,
Jul 1, 2011 — by Eric Brown — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 viewsCalls for papers were announced for CELF's Embedded Linux Conference Europe, co-located with LinuxCon Europe in Prague on October 26-28, as well as the Australian, planned for Jan 16-20, 2012 in Ballarat, Australia. Meanwhile, the Linux Foundation announced Kim Blanche's “Flying Penguins” as the winner of the 20th Anniversary of Linux T-shirt contest, earning her a trip to next month's LinuxCon Gala in Vancouver.
The Consumer Electronics Linux Forum (CELF) call for papers (CFP) deadline for ELC Europe is coming up July 8, so we'll start there first. ELC Europe will be co-located with a new LinuxCon Europe event in Prague from October 26 to 28, as will the Linux Kernel Summit and GStreamer Conference. For this year only, CELF and the LF are offering ELC Europe attendees a free pass to LinuxCon Europe.
The LF is now organizing and hosting the Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) events in North America and Europe, as a result of last October's merger of CELF into the LF. ELC Europe, also known as ELCE or ELC-E, is billed as "the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for embedded Linux developers.
Presentations should be of a technical nature, covering topics related to using Linux in embedded systems, with a special (but not exclusive) focus on consumer electronics. No commercial advertisements or sales pitches are allowed, say the organizers.
Most presentation slots will be 50 minutes long, including time for questions. Tutorials, demos, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions may also be proposed. CELF is "especially encouraging presentations with an automotive focus, a domain where the use of Linux is growing fast." We might add that automotive infotainment based on Linux appears to be growing faster in Europe than in the U.S.
Presentations on the following topics are encouraged:
- Audio, video, and graphics systems for embedded products
- security
- system size
- bootup time
- meeting real-time constraints
- power management
- streaming media
- flash memory devices and filesystems
- build systems
- embedded distributions, including Android
- development tools for embedded users
- porting and CPU customizations
- technologies related to cell phones, digital settop boxes, televisions, cameras, handheld devices, or other CE products
- use of Linux in actual products, practical experience and war stories
- standards for CE products calls for papers on the road to Ballarat
Located an hour west of Melbourne in Victoria state, Ballarat is famous as the site of the world's largest deposit of alluvial gold. The Yarrowee River (pictured) winds its way through town, but is not likely to repeat the epic floods encountered by attendees earlier in January in Brisbane.
According to Wikipedia's Yarrowee River page, "During the Gold Rush, much of the river and its tributaries were sealed as drains to… help mitigate frequent flooding." will be held Jan 16-20, 2012 in Ballarat, at the University of Ballarat.'s call for paper deadline is July 29.
The organizers are seeking a wide range of papers related to Linux, including programming, software, desktop and userland, education, community, and law presentations. Embedded is not a main focus, but there are always some interesting embedded presentations at the show.
The core of the presentation must relate to open source in some way, and any closed-source components in a given project must be clearly exposed. Tutorial submissions are also welcome, but need to be detailed and focused, covering only one tool or project, say the organizers. A non-trivial working example is also required.
The potential, but not exclusive, list of topics includes:
- aspects of kernel development, including recent data structures and algorithm developments
- database and file system developments
- desktop topics, covering aspects of the user experience
- networking topics, from device drivers to servers
- novice user's introduction to exploring FOSS
- professional development, including software engineering and system administration techniques
- scalability, both embedded and enterprise
- development topics, including concurrency and toolchain advancements
- open source software usage, including business, education & research
- graphics and sound advancements, from low level drivers to end-user applications
- open source culture, including open content creation
Stated Sae Ra Germaine, LCA2012 Speakers liaison, "The wealth of talent within the FOSS community is huge and our goal is to be a platform for bringing the newest ideas, latest talent and best speakers to the largest audience of this type in the country."
20th anniversary of Linux T-shirt winner announced
Earlier this week, the Linux Foundation announced Kim Blanche's "Flying Penguins" design as the winner of the 20th Anniversary of Linux T-shirt contest. Born in India and raised in Sweden, Blanche (pictured) will be honored at next month's LinuxCon Gala celebrating the 20th anniversary of Linux. The Gala will held during the LinuxCon North America show in Vancouver B.C. August 17-19. The LF is picking up the tab for Blanche's trip.
All LinuxCon attendees will receive a free T-shirt based on the Flying Penguins design. In addition, the T-shirts will become available for sale "soon" in the Store.

Kim Blanche's Flying Penguins T-shirt design
ELC Europe will be held October 26-28, 2011, at the Clarion Congress Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic. The deadline for submissions is midnight July 8, 2011 PDT. More information on the conference may be found at the ELC Europe page. The call for papers deadline is July 8, with submission and more information available here. will be held Jan 16-20, 2012 in Ballarat, Australia, at the University of Ballarat. More information on may be found at the site, and the call for papers may be found here. Submissions are due by July 29.
The announcement for the 20th Anniversary of Linux T-shirt contest winner may be found at this page. The T-shirt will soon be on sale at the store.
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