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Datalight announces royalty-free x86 embedded BIOS

Mar 7, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 2 views

Bothell, WA — (press release excerpt) — Datalight today announced a royalty free purchase program for its BIOS v3.0. With this announcement, Embedded System OEMs can significantly reduce their cost of goods.

Two options are available under the royalty free program. The first includes an annual license fee of $7,500 and which authorizes the OEM to distribute unlimited copies of the Datalight BIOS during the license period on a defined product. The second option offers a one-time license fee buyout for $15,000 which allows the OEM to include unlimited copies for a defined product. The Development Kit contains source code and a set of development tools including Paradigm Debug, Paradigm LOCATE and Borland TASM assembler which is provided with both royalty free programs.

The Datalight BIOS v3.0 provides the necessary setup and initialization for an x86-based embedded computer system and capability to launch an operating system. Embedded features of the Datalight BIOS are similar to those provided with a desktop BIOS such as floppy disk support, IDE hard disk support, CD-ROM boot support.

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