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Details emerge on Transmeta’s “Mobile Linux”

Feb 2, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Henry Kingman, senior producer of ZDNet's Linux Resource Center, attended a session at LinuxWorld Expo in New York and filed this report . . .

“Buried in one of the technical sessions in the basement at Linuxworld came a low-key pre-announcement of the first public availability of “Mobile Linux,” a quasi-distribution and embedded Linux development toolkit that Linus Torvalds and other Transmeta employees have been working on for several years. “It's very close,” according to Dan Quinlan, a Linux developer at Transmeta.”

“Stricly speaking, 'Mobile Linux' isn't a distribution since it lacks the large applications and out-of-the-box experience of typical distros. Still, for embedded developers and technical hobbyists, it stands to make reasonably capable Linux systems significantly easier to create on resource-constrained devices.”

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