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Device review: Axis 2120 Network Camera

Mar 9, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this article, John Lombardo reviews the Axis 2120 Network Camera, an intelligent network-ready camera with a built-in 100 MHz RISC microprocessor running an embedded Linux operating system. Lombardo writes . . .

“The doorbell rings, I answer it, the postman hands me a brown 14 x 12 x 9 inch box with 'Axis Communications' written on the side. I bring it to my workshop (ok, my garage), pull out the knife (the only one I can find is a putty knife), and open the top of the box. Inside, under the bright pink packing peanuts, is an 8.5 x 11.5 x 5 inch shrink-wrapped box containing the Axis 2120 Network Camera and a folder containing the reviewer's guide and some other literature.”

“Blasting past the reviewer's guide, I slice open the shrink-wrap and open up the box containing the camera itself. Inside the box are the following five items . . . “

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