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Draft Agenda — ELC Organizational Meeting at ESC`

Feb 21, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

DATE: February 21, 2000
TO: All those interested in forming an Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC)
FROM: Rick Lehrbaum
RE: Draft Agenda for Organizational meeting of ELC at ESC

Hi everyone,

I'd like to propose a specific process for us to use in forming the Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC) at next week's ELC organizational meeting at the Embedded Systems Conference.

I propose that we immediately establish an “ELC Formation Committee” that will consist of all those present who carry a written commitment (from their companies) to join the ELC at a membership level of at least $5,000 per year. Once established, the ELC Formation Committee will serve as (or select) an acting board of directors for the group and will define the next steps of the formation of the ELC as a non-profit trade association. Those steps will presumably include choosing a temporary chairperson, authorizing a budget for the formation process, overseeing the process of incorporation, and establishing the initial membership and management structure. The Formation Committee will continue to serve as an acting board of directors until the incorporation is compete, whereapon there will be a formal election of the first year's board of directors and officers.

Based on this strategy, I suggest the following agenda for our meeting. If you have an objection to this process (or suggestions to improve it) please let me know right away.

Draft Agenda
Organizational Meeting of the Embedded Linux Consortium
March 1, 2000

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