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Eazel Nautilus Preview2 impresses, frustrates

Nov 14, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Henry Kingman, producer of ZDNet's Linux Resource Center, reviews the latest release of Eazel's Nautilus “graphical shell.” Kingman observes that the latest preview release is feature-complete, but lacks performance optimizations and multi-platform support. Kingman writes . . .

“Eazel's 0.5 Preview2 Release of Nautilus and the services that will be offered through it provide a feature-complete glimpse of good things to come. However, Eazel must optimize performance and add support for more platforms before its 'graphical shell' can become the default file manager in GNOME 1.4, expected Q1 2001.”

“As of the Preview2 release, Nautilus officially supports only Red Hat 6.2. A Debian volunteer has also built Debian packages for the 2.2 'Potato' and 'Woody' releases. Since GNOME is the default desktop on dozens of Linux and Unix platforms, Eazel has its work cut out in making the program fully functional on Solaris as well as all the other Linux versions.”

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