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Eclipse project’s C/C++ milestone should help embedded developers

Mar 31, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The Eclipse consortium's C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) project announced the release of CDT 1.0, which includes a full-featured C/C++ development environment and debugger. Support for C and C++ in Eclipse — an open-source development tools framework — now rivals that for Java, which was the initially supported programming language when the project was launched by IBM, the group said. The new support is likely to increase the interest in using Eclipse among developers of embedded sysetms, which is dominated by C and C++.

According to the CDT project, CDT 1.0 includes the following two key components . . .

  • CDT Core — a full-featured C/C++ development environment. It includes a project builder that integrates with GNU tools and compilers; a code editor that offers features such as syntax highlighting, code templates and context-sensitive help; and wizards that help automate mundane programming tasks. The CDT components are plug-in extensions, fully integrated into the Eclipse Platform.
  • CDT Debugger — A C/C++ debugger that integrates with the popular GNU gdb debugger. In addition to standard features such as run control, thread support, breakpoints, watchpoints and disassembly mode, the CDT debugger also supports multiple concurrent debug sessions, even on heterogenous processors. By integrating with gdb, the CDT debugger can support a wide range of target environments including Linux, QNX Neutrino, Windows, and Cygwin.

Companies contributing technology and resources to the CDT project have included QNX, Rational, Red Hat, MontaVista, TimeSys, Tensilica, Macraigor, SAS, Programming Research, and Wasabi.

Eclipse CDT 1.0 is available for immediate downloaded, here.

What is Eclipse?

The Eclipse consortium describes Eclipse as follows . . .

Eclipse has established an open-source ecosystem of tools providers and consumers by creating technology and an open universal platform for tools integration. The open-source Eclipse community creates royalty-free technology as a platform for tools integration. Eclipse-based tools give developers freedom of choice in a multi-language, multi-platform, multi-vendor supported environment. Eclipse delivers a plug-in based framework that makes it easier to create, integrate and use software tools, saving time and money. By collaborating and sharing core integration technology, tool producers can concentrate on their areas of expertise and the creation of new development technology. The Eclipse Platform is written in the Java? language, and comes with extensive plug-in construction toolkits and examples. It has already been deployed on a range of development workstations including HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, Linux, MAC OS X, QNX Neutrino and Windows based systems.

Full details of the Eclipse consortium and project are available here.

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