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EclipseCon announces speakers, program details

Nov 8, 2004 — by Henry Kingman — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

A conference devoted to the Eclipse framework for cross-vendor tools integration has announced programs and speakers for its second annual event, set for Feb. 28 through Mar. 3 in Burlingame, Calif. EclipseCon targets beginning and advanced Eclipse users, as well as developers and architects of Eclipse-based products.

The conference will include 20 tutorials and three days of technical sessions organized into three themes:

  • Understanding Eclipse Projects
  • Using Eclipse Tools
  • Experiences Using Eclipse

Tutorial and session topics will include:

  • The Eclipse Platform
  • Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT)
  • Rich Client Platform (RCP)
  • Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
  • Test and Performance (TnP)
  • Web Tools
  • Java and C/C++ IDE
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting (BIRT)
  • More . . .

Keynote speakers will include:

  • Tim O'Reilly, CEO of O'Reilly Media and popular open source commentator
  • Urs Hoelzle, VP of Engineering at Google
  • Lee Nackman, CTO of IBM Rational Software

Additional “plenary session” speakers include Eclipse community leaders such as:

  • Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation
  • John Wiegand, co-leader, platform project management committee
  • Erich Gamma, co-leader, platform project management committee
  • Other Eclipse leaders and developers

The Eclipse Foundation announced in October that eighteen commercial products are now based on the Eclipse Platform, including:

  • Exadel Struts Studio and JSF Studio
  • Genuitec MyEclipse
  • IBM WebSphere Studio
  • Intel C++ Compiler 8.1 for Linux
  • Kinzan Studio
  • M7 NitroX
  • Mentor Graphics Nucleus Edge
  • Monta Vista Dev Rocket
  • Novell/SuSE SDK
  • PalmOS Dev Suite
  • Parasoft JTest
  • PureEdge Designer
  • QNX Momentics
  • Red Hat Developer Suite
  • SAP NetWeaver Studio
  • Tensilica Xtensa Xplorer IDE
  • TimeSys TimeStorm IDE
  • Wind River Workbench

Additionally, embedded Linux vendor LynuxWorks says it is almost ready to ship Luminosity, a development platform based on Eclipse.

For a history of the Eclipse Project through its first two years, be sure to read our Eclipse Special Report.


Additional EclipseCon details, including registration forms and hotel information, are available online. Registration discounts are available before January 31, 2005.

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