ELJonline: May 2002 Table of Contents
May 2, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsFeatures
- WANDER: a Portable Linux Data-Collection System, by Steven K. Roberts and Ned Konz — The Microship's computer systems come ashore as a rugged, portable data-collection unit. Here's how an SBC-based system helps scientists in the field.
- Update on Linux compatible Single-Board Computers, by Rick Lehrbaum — Choices in the Linux SBC market aren't just growing–they're exploding, as boards add features and power. Rick Lehrbaum, founder of LinuxDevices.com, lays out your options.
- VOCAL: Open Source VoIP Software for Linux, by David Bryan and David Kelly — Want to build an embedded Linux IP phone? Get the Vovida Open Communications Applications Library. Here's what happens behind the scenes of an SIP phone call.
- Writing Portable Device Drivers, by Greg Kroah-Hartman — Does the driver you need work on x86 but not on PowerPC? Save yourself some frustration and first make sure that it follows some simple portability rules. Device-driver wizard Greg Kroah-Hartman explains how.
- GAR: Automating Entire OS Builds, by Nick Moffitt — Besides your own code, your project uses free utilities, other software from the Net and maybe a fancy library or two. And you want to rebuild it all easily? Gmake Autobuild Runtime (GAR) to the rescue.
- BOEL, Part 2: Kernel Configuration and Booting, by Brian Elliott Finley — “Brian's Own Embedded Linux” is a small distribution that can boot from disk, CD-ROM or the Net. In the second article of a two-part series, Brian Finley covers the kernel configuration and boot process.
- Real Time and Linux, Part 3: Sub-Kernels and Benchmarks, by Kevin Dankwardt — In the last part of our real-time overview series, Kevin Dankwardt reviews the sub-kernel approach as used in RTLinux and RTAI and reports benchmark numbers.

- NIC Contest Winners, by Don Marti — In our second contest, winners took a humble desktop thin client and connected it to the wider world.
- Linux4.TV Contest Update, by Don Marti — Just because it's a TV-based device doesn't mean our finalists are catering to their inner couch potato.
- Letters — What? No more MontaVista Journeyman? What about GNU cross-compiler?
- New Products, by Heather Mead — Thin Client Medallion Mini Development Kit, Zendex ZXR-x86 Embedded Controller, FASTPATH for Linux, JumpStart for Communications with Lynx OS 4.0.
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