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ELJonline: September 2001 Table of Contents

Sep 2, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views


  • Behind the Wheel with Linux, by Richard Vernon — The terms “driver” and “engine” take on new (or rather old) meanings (and Linux becomes a lot more “robust”) when you throw a Hemi in the mix.

  • In-Vehicle Data Logging, by Stuart Warren — Warren explains how his company uses a black box recorder and real-time Linux to log vehicle testing data to assist with development of automatic transmissions.


Departments Contests From The Editor Letters
  • Letters, by Letters Editor — Who Should We Sue?… Linux in the Utility Industry… Generic Embedded?… A Love Letter…
New Products
  • New Products, by Heather Mead — LPM-TX STD Bus SBC, ADNP/1486, Multi-Protocol Exchange, TS2000 Terminal Server

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