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Embedded and real-time Linux development workshop

Apr 5, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Socorro, NM — (press release) — FSMLabs has joined with K Computing to offer an “Embedded and Realtime Linux Development Workshop.” It will run May 14-18, 2001 at the Silicon Valley Conference Center in San Jose, CA.

Attendees will first build a complete Linux embedded system “from scratch,” and will learn about developing applications for Linux. The use of system programming features such as pthreads, semaphores, and signals will be explained. After this general information, someone from FSMLabs will guide the class through an in-depth look at RTLinux.

Here's a course index:

    1. Introduction to embedded Linux systems
    2. Building a minimal kernel
    3. Building a root file system
    4. Building an application
    5. Making a boot image for a floppy
    6. Performance issues
    7. GNU Tools
    8. Linux Kernel features
    9. Real-time and the Linux kernel
    10. Installation of RTLinux
    11. Linux and RTLinux benchmarking
    12. The RTLinux design paradigm
    13. Communication between Linux and RTLinux
    14. Example programs
    15. Solutions to common programming problems

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