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Embedded Linux at ESC 2002 San Francisco

Apr 5, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Missed the big annual Embedded Systems Conference held recently in San Francisco?'s Rick Lehrbaum brings you all the juicy details of the outstanding progress being made by Embedded Linux, in his customary report on “all things Linux at the Embedded Systems Conference”. Lehrbaum writes . . .

“The Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) held in San Francisco during the week of March 11, 2002 was expected to draw over 15,000 attendees from all facets of the embedded systems market. Despite the much slower than anticipated economic conditions, event organizers report that attendance reached around 12,000. In contrast to the somewhat attenuated turnout, this year's ESC product and technology expo was the largest ever, occupying two large halls in the sprawling Moscone Convention Center complex.”

“From the embedded Linux perspective, the really BIG news this year is that embedded Linux isn't news anymore! . . .”

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