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‘Embedded Linux’ book author offers 3-day seminar

Jan 7, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Dr. Craig Hollabaugh, author of the popular book, Embedded Linux (Addison Wesley; ISBN 0672322269), will present a 3-day seminar in Colorado on March 10-12, 2003. The seminar consists of three days of learning, surrounded by several optional days of outdoor fun.

“You will leave Colorado with embedded Linux knowledge, a book, a target board, and the hard disk from your host development computer,” says Hollabaugh. “With the target board and the hard disk, you can re-create your learning environment and proceed with your product development.”

The 3-day seminar agenda consists of . . .

  • Monday
    • Take a Linux Primer
    • Debug applications remotely
    • Launch a small web server

  • Tuesday
    • Develop kernel device drivers
    • Debug kernel device drivers

  • Wednesday
    • Time events
    • Write an interrupt handler
    • Get small
    • GPL and you

The target board is an EMAC PCM-53E52, which has an ELAN SC520 133MHz x86 processor, 16MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash, onboard ethernet, serial ports, and a PC/104-Plus expansion interface.

Hollabaugh suggests that participants come early and stay late, in order to enjoy Colorado's world-class winter outdoor pleasures, including downhill and cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, and hot springs.

The price for the seminar (including EMAC PCM-53E52 with power supply and case, IDE hard disk with development tools, and a copy of the Embedded Linux book) is $1700 (USD). Reservations must be made by January 31, 2003. Prospect participants are requested to call Dr. Hollabaugh directly, to make reservations or ask questions, at 970-325-0509

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