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Embedded Linux Journal announces NIC contest winners

May 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The Embedded Linux Journal has announced the winners of their second annual design contest, which was based on projects using the New Internet Computer (NIC) as a platform. From twenty finalists selected last August who were… sent NICs and later submitted their results, one winner and two runners-up have now been selected. The grand prize winner receives an all-expense-paid trip to Costa Rica, and the two runners-up each receive a Lego Mindstorms package.

And the winners are . . . (drum roll) . . .

  • Grand Prize Winner: CanDetect, by Alexander Perry — this project does nondestructive testing for cracks in aircrafts

  • Runner-Up: Shortwave Radio Educational Kiosk, by Jay Sissom — this project combines the NIC with a computer-controlled shortwave radio to create an educational demonstration of shortwave radio in action

  • Runner-Up: NIC-Based Adaptive and Efficient Residential HVAC Control, by Phil Zumsteg — using weather forecasts, the “NIC-aerc” figures out the most efficient way to operate air conditioners, saving you money by taking advantage of off-peak utility discounts!
The above projects are described in more detail (including photos) in the May/June issue of Embedded Linux Journal, as well as online in this article at ELJonline.

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