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EMJ Embedded releases White Dwarf Linux version 1.2.0

Sep 12, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Pittsboro, NC — (press release excerpt) — EMJ Embedded Systems introduced White Dwarf Linux version 1.2.0, its latest Linux revision, designed to fit in 10MB of Flash and 16MB of DRAM.

Version 1.2.0 offers support for any motherboard or single board computer with IDE support and at least 8MB of RAM. It also supports both CD and network installs. Features include . . .

  • Linux kernel 2.4.19
  • Compatible with glibc 2.2.5 binaries
  • A graphical package-based installer
  • TCP/ip tools including ftp, telnet, ping, hostname, ftpd, telnetd, Apache web server
  • gcc development tools for glibc 2.2.5

White Dwarf Linux was initially developed for Adastra/JUMPtec (now Kontron) single board computers. It works with the DIMM-PC 486, 520, MOPS686+ and MOPSlcd6, the ETX module with Geode 266MHz processor, and the CoolMONSTER boards. It has also been successfully tested with the Tri-M MZ104 board.

Scott Every, the maintainer of White Dwarf Linux, says, “Our release has supported compilers and tools that allow a developer to install wdlinux on any board and practically any server. C, C++, or Java applications are developed directly on wdlinux. Developers of Internet appliances, process control, medical equipment, industrial automation, wireless applications and testing equipment will welcome this announcement.”

EMJ Vice President Mark Estill says, “We continue to upgrade White Dwarf Linux because we believe that Linux is the most versatile and scalable operating system for embedded applications. Offering developers this important tool in combination with the state of the art boards we distribute is a sure way to cut their costs while shortening their product delivery time.”

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