Emulate This!, Part 3 [Linux Journal]
Apr 23, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsIn part three of an online series at Linux Journal, Marcel Gagné provides a tutorial on 'Bochs' hardware emulator. Gagné writes . . .
“. . . Bochs is an emulator for the x86 hardware platform. In other words, it can emulate a PC of varying hardware configurations. When you boot into Bochs, it will appear as though you are booting another PC from inside your own PC, and in a way, you are. Bochs emulates the entire PC platform, I/O devices, memory and its own BIOS. What's even more interesting is that you don't have to be running PC hardware to run Bochs. It will emulate x86 hardware on any platform on which you compile it. By changing the configuration, it is possible to specify the type of processor (386? 486? 586?), the amount of memory and so on. Bochs is a box inside your box. In fact, Bochs is as many boxes as you want it to be. It even has its own power button . . . “
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