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Euro developers conference to highlight Embedded Linux

Oct 4, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Zaltbommel, The Netherlands — (press release) — ACTIVE Exhibitions Europe, organiser of the AC Developers' Conference & Expo (ACDevCon), is announcing the conference program, with the main keynote presentation held by Mr. Rick Lehrbaum, founder and executive editor of ZDNet's Rick's talk will cover many of the arguments, based on market research, for choosing Linux as an operating system for embedded application.

The 5th European ACDevCon will, which will be held in Maastricht on 6-9 November 2000, will focus on in-depth workshops and tutorials, instead of shorter presentations. This will allow engineers and developers to learn about exciting new developments in the world of Applied and Embedded Computing. The importance of mainstream technologies to the embedded systems world increases every day. In our rapidly changing market, staying competitive means anticipating the next wave of technologies and being prepared to exploit them — and the AC Developers' Conference is educating the world today about how to use them. Highlights of the conference are:

  • 2-day Workshop on Embedded and Real-Time Linux by Kevin Dankwardt of K Computing (USA)
  • 1-day InfiniBand tutorial by the InfiniBand Trade Association
  • Developers Workshops on Windows-CE (2-day) and Windows NT Embedded (1-day)
  • Developers Workshop (2-day) in PCI and PCI-X implementation and integration
  • Extensive sessions on Applied Linux, PCI/PCI-X, USB and IEEE-1394

Applied Computing (or AC) describes the high end of connected embedded systems, using technologies originally developed for desktop and server level systems. Today, most embedded systems require connectivity, especially to the Internet, and AC covers most of the high-end embedded market.

Open Source Operating Systems, with Linux being the most visible, are gaining market share at a high rate. Being designed as a general purpose operating system for servers and workstations, Linux is rapidly moving up among the dedicated (real-time and) embedded operating systems and is therefore a perfect example of an Applied Computing technology. A full track of the conference, including the keynote presentation and a 2-day workshop, is therefore dedicated to Linux. Derivatives of the Windows desktop Operating System will be subject of two workshops: Windows CE and NT-Embedded.

Further information on the conference can be found on the AC Devcon website, at

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