European embedded Linux show seeks presentation ideas
May 3, 2010 — by Eric Brown — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsThe Consumer Electronics Linux Forum (CELF) announced a call for papers for the next Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE), scheduled for Oct. 27-28 in Cambridge, UK. CELF is looking for a variety of technical presentations focused on the use of embedded Linux in consumer electronics products.
Previous ELCE events have included presentations from noted embedded Linux developers and kernel hackers such as Harald Welte and Thomas Gleixner. The events are related to the U.S.-based ELC conferences, the latest of which was recently held in San Francisco.
Presentations should be of a technical nature, covering topics related to use of Linux in embedded systems, says CELF. Consumer electronics (CE) is said to be the chief focus, but presentations may cover the use of Linux in other embedded areas, as long as the topic is of general relevance to most embedded users. Commercial advertisements or sales pitches will not be accepted, and preference will be given to presentations that have not been given previously, the CELF adds.
Presenters may choose to submit a request to present a tutorial, which tend to be longer, interactive learning sessions. A tutorial may occupy more than one session slot at the conference, says the organization. Another option is to present a technology in a Technology Showcase, a booth presentation format that is also used in the ELC conferences (see image below).

Technology Showcase from a previous ELC event
- Audio, video, and graphics systems for embedded products
- Security
- System size
- Bootup time
- Meeting real-time constraints
- Power management
- Streaming media
- Flash memory devices and filesystems
- Technologies related to cell phones, digital set-top boxes, handheld devices, or other CE products
- Development tools for embedded users
- Use of Linux in actual products, practical experience, and war stories
- Standards for CE products
A paper submission is not required in conjunction with the presentation, says CELF. However, if a paper is produced, CELF will ask permission to publish it in a conference wiki. Presentation requests should include presenter name, presentation title, and a one or two paragraph abstract. The presentations themselves should run about 30 or 40 minutes, with 10 minutes provided for questions, says CELF.
The Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) is scheduled for Oct. 27-28 in Cambridge, UK. More information may be found here.
Proposals for presentations, demos, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions must be received by June 30, 2010, and speaker notifications will be sent out by July 15, says CELF. Speakers will receive complimentary professional registration for the conference, says the group. More information and links to proposal submissions may be found here.
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