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Eurotech and Prosa Develop Real-Time Embedded Linux

Nov 2, 1999 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

A collaboration of two Italian companies, Eurotech and Prosa, is nearing completion of a small footprint embedded Linux with real-time extensions. The new real-time embedded Linux implementation is the result of adding real-time extensions to an earlier version of embedded Linux that was developed for Eurotech's PC/104 single-board computers. “The new version of ET-Linux will be known as ETR-Linux”, says Roberto Siagri, Eurotech's Sales and Marketing Manager. “It is designed to fit all of Eurotech's PC/104 CPU modules, from 386SX to the Pentium”, continues Siagri. ET-Linux can run on a 386SX based SBC (or faster) with as little as 2MB of DRAM and 2MB of SSD.

ET-Linux (also called EtLinux) and ETR-Linux are joint developments of Eurotech spa ( and Prosa srl ( The full version of ET-Linux (without the real-time extensions) is currently available on both companies' ftp sites.

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