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Framework for XMPP/Jabber messaging clients, servers

Jun 10, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Winfessor Inc. announced its latest release of the SoapBox Framework, a tool developers can use to build their own XMPP/Jabber instant messaging clients and servers. It supports the .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework, and Mono, the company said.

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), an emerging Internet standard for presence-enabled real-time messaging, is an adaptation of the core Jabber protocol by the IETF's XMPP Working Group.

The following enhancements are said to be included in v1.5 of Winfessor's SoapBox Framework . . .

  • Support for Building Servers, Agents, and P2P applications
  • Support for the most recent release of Mono
  • Certification against several XMPP/Jabber Servers
  • Further Improved Samples and Documentation

According to Winfessor, the framework can be used to create multi-language applications — including German, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Italian, and Chinese — thereby enabling the creation of internationalized instant messaging applications in which users can see instant messages in their native languages and character sets (such as Kanji).

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