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GCC Developer’s Summit issues call for participation

Mar 4, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

An announcement from the GCC Developer's Summit . . .

We are happy to announce that the GCC Developer's Summit is now officially going ahead and will take place from May 25th to May 27th, 2003 in Ottawa, Canada. The GCC Developers Summit is an opportunity for the core developers of all parts of the GNU Compiler Collection to meet. Our main focus is to promote a vendor neutral environment and to promote open dialog, show new technologies, and to provide an infrastructure to assist in long term planning. The conference is a unique opportunity for GNU developers and enthusiasts from all over the world to meet and talk, to present their work and keep building the future of the tools.

Community support for the event has been excellent and we hope to be able to use the time at the Summit to the advantage of the entire project. We are proud to announce as well that Richard T. Henderson will be presenting the event keynote address.

We are now soliciting content, the Call for Participation has been published at and contains the formal details. Our plan is to run two concurrent tracks one focusing on GCC internals, and one for GCC users. Examples of the kind of topics we're looking for in the internals track would include; details on specific ports such as IA64 and X86-64, new features in the tree-SSA branch, new features in the rtlopt branch, details of the new register allocator, and similar. For the users track we would be looking to address topics such as the details on the new C++ parser, precompiled header support, SIMD support and how to use it, the compilercache and how to use it, details on using GCC with RTEMS, and similar topics.

We also have space for tutorials, working group meetings, brainstorming sessions, and other similar tasks best addressed in person.

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