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Gtk# 0.1 released

Apr 12, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

From the Gtk# mailing list . . .

Announcing the first public release of Gtk#, codenamed 'Buttonhook'.

Gtk# is a C# language binding for the Gtk+ toolkit. It exposes the Gtk+-2.0 API via a nice set of C# classes for your GUI programming pleasure.

At least that's what it will eventually do. Right now, all we're sure it does is run a Hello World app and a simple Button pressing demo app. We invite you to kick the tires and send us lots of bug reports, if you are the type that likes to adopt technologies long before they do much of anything useful.

Binaries and source available for immediate download here.

Note you will need a gtk-x11-2.0 installation on linux in order to run the samples and utilize the Gtk# dll's. To hack on Gtk#, you still need a win32 machine with the .Net Framework installed, as the binding cannot be compiled on linux yet. Hopefully, complete self-hosting on linux is just around the corner. You will also need a mono installation newer than release 0.10. At time of release, that means CVS or a nightly build.

Thanks to Ximian and the Mono project for CVS hosting. Thanks to Sourceforge for project hosting. Thanks to Bob Smith for early conceptual work on the signal handling system. Thanks to all of the mono team for a quickly maturing framework to build on.

Discussion of Gtk# occurs at [email protected] Questions and bug reports should be directed there.

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