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Dec 2, 2004 — by Henry Kingman — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

A popular website devoted to open source software on handheld computers is expected to be back online soon, following complications during an infrastructure upgrade. should return within a few days, according to prominent contributor Jim Gettys. is a popular community site devoted to software for Linux PDAs and other handhelds. It was launched by Compaq in June of 2000.

A number of readers reported difficulty accessing via http (ftp may still work) over the past several weeks, so we wrote to Gettys to see what was up (or rather, down). We received the following reply:

No big problem: the system needed upgrading, and we slid down a slippery slope of problems, hardware and software, in the upgrade process. [The administrator] is hoping things will be back to normal in the next few days.

Gettys, incidentally, co-founded (with Bob Scheifler) the X windowing system, and edited the final specification for HTML 1.1. More recently, he has made contributions to the Gnome project, and to projects such as TinyX.

Google's cache of is here.

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