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Hands-on real-time and embedded Linux training

Mar 15, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Orange County and Mountain View, CA — (press release) — REDSonic, Inc. and K Computing are hosting a hands-on Real-Time Embedded Linux Training class in San Jose from April 16-18, 2001. This hands-on tutorial walks the participants through the steps involved in customizing a Linux environment to support an embedded application. Topics include: real-time systems, real-time scheduling, using Gnu tools, the Linux boot sequence, making Linux fit in a small amount of memory, creating a system image, building a complete root file system, working with device drivers, working with small libraries, using small utilities such as Busybox, running small audio applications, using a webserver for user interface options, and performance issues.

The class is designed for embedded system developers with an interest in or requiring an overview of the essential concepts in creating a customized version of REDICE-Linux for an embedded system. The training course will provide the experience and knowledge required in this competitive industry. Moreover, the class will lead participants through the entire process by using REDSonic's software development tools to create and build an embedded Linux system. Upon completion, attendees will have a good understanding of real-time Linux systems programming for custom applications.

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