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Hard Hat Linux targets thin client apps

Nov 14, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

COMDEX, Las Vegas, NV — (press release excerpt) — MontaVista Software, Inc. today debuted the company's thin client solutions for web appliances, PDA/PADs, and other consumer and edge applications. In their booth at the new COMDEX Linux Pavilion (Booth No. P537C), MontaVista is demonstrating Hard Hat Linux for thin clients across a range of consumer-oriented devices, including Compaq's StrongARM-based… iPAQ handheld, Hitachi's Crusoe-based “Raccoon” Web pad, and 3Com's PowerPC-based Kerbango Internet Radio.

Key MontaVista pervasive technologies include support for strategic CPU architectures from Intel, IBM, Motorola, NEC, IBM and TransMeta; small footprint web browsers and embedded GUI options, as well as the MontaVista Embedded GTK toolkit; scalable, ROMable kernel images from 0.5MB; compressed flash file systems with options for execute-in-place and field upgrades; IBM OTI embedded Java and tools; power management facilities; streaming audio and video; real-time performance for time-sensitive multi-media; and support for popular pervasive interfaces and protocols, including 802.11 wireless, USB, IrDA, and IEEE1394.

MontaVista integrates these and other pervasive computing technologies into the Hard Hat Linux Cross Development Kit and the Hard Hat Linux kernel and embedded operating system. Hard Hat Linux and the Hard Hat Linux Cross Development Kit are available as subscription packages direct from MontaVista and through select platform partners.

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