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Honey, I shrunk the Linux system! (Part 3)

Jun 28, 1997 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 5 views


Intrinsyc has put together a very nice package with their Linux distribution for the CerfCube. With the exception of the chaotic and currently hard-to-reverse installation process, the package is well designed, with helpful scripts and good documentation allowing you to focus on your application rather than the environment. The software is also structured in a simple and intuitive way, so you can easily figure out how to accomplish anything that is not covered by the generally complete documentation.

Linux, with its extensive and mature networking capabilities, is an ideal OS for specialized network appliances. Expect the CerfBoard SBC — with its tiny size, built-in NIC, flexible expansion, and good support for Linux — to be a success in this market as well as in more traditional SBC markets such as industrial control applications where Ethernet connectivity is required.

Author's bio: Jerry Epplin has written embedded software for the past fifteen years, primarily for medical devices. He can be reached at

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