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How many attendees were at LinuxWorld in SF?

Sep 5, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Factoid of the day: there were 18,000 attendees at the recent LinuxWorld Expo & Conference which took place August 26-30, 2001 in San Francisco, CA. According to IDG World Expo PR director Brooke Selby, the attendance for the most recent three LinuxWorld shows has been . . .

  • San Jose, CA — August, 2000 — 20,000
  • New York, NY — February, 2001 — 25,000
  • San Francisco, CA –… August 2001 — 18,000
The turnout was less than the 20-25,000 that IDG had earlier predicted, but better than what many had anticipated given the current worldwide economic downturn, according to Selby.

Don't miss's exclusive LinuxWorld 2001 San Francisco embedded Linux oriented coverage . . .

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