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IBM aiming PowerPC towards embedded market [EE Times]

Mar 1, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

EE Times reports that IBM is talking about setting up the PowerPC 405LP (low power) architecture as a direct competitor to Intel's XScale, as well as stepping up their support for embedded Linux. David Lammers writes . . .

“Kelly said IBM believes the fastest-growing part of the semiconductor industry will be mobile devices that combine computing and communications functions. The company calls the concept pervasive computing . . .”

“Kelly, who is in charge of IBM's semiconductor and storage divisions, acknowledged that 'ARM and MIPS are the clear incumbents in the low-power space' but questioned 'whether they have the wherewithal to continue to extend those architectures . . .”

“If the embedded-Linux strategy plays out, IBM may also take on Microsoft Corp., which has seen growing success with its PocketPC operating system in the PDA market. IBM has surprised many by successfully advancing Linux in servers, creating an intense competition with Microsoft. Kelly said IBM's internal efforts to further the embedded Linux operating system are bearing fruit.”

“'The whole OS portion of this market is in flux, and we think eventually that embedded Linux on a PowerPC will be a big play in this space,' he said . . .”

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