IBM middleware for Linux CD-set give-away
Apr 22, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsAn announcement to the Linux developer community from IBM . . .
The latest IBM middleware for Linux (DB2 Universal Database, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Studio Application Developer, and Lotus Domino) is being provided, at no cost, on a 2 CD set, along with Web… Services technologies, Linux technical articles, Linux Redbooks, and the very popular Java battle-bots game Robocode. IBM is also providing a worldwide no-cost 2-day Linux workshop, which includes hands-on labs for installing and configuring Linux.
By the way: What is Robocode?
Robocode is a fun programming game that teaches Java by letting you create Java “Robots,” real Java objects that battle it out onscreen against other robots. Robocode, with its snazzy graphics and hyper battles, is similar to a combination of Logo and CoreWars. While playing Robocode, you will learn how to write Java code, how to handle events, how to create inner classes, and more.
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