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Incredible shrinking PCs appear at U.K. LinuxExpo [ZDNet]

Oct 14, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Matt Loney, of ZDNet UK, reports on some tiny Linux computer systems which were showcased at the LinuxExpo held in London last week . . .

“If a dictionary-sized PC is too big, how about one the size of a video cassette? Or a pack of playing cards?”

“Some of the smallest PCs around were on show at the LinuxExpo in London's Olympia exhibition centre last week. One was even smaller than a pack of playing cards . . .”

“. . . over at the Debian stand Cambridge-based firms Aleph One and Toby Churchill Ltd were demonstrating Balloon — a tiny (100 x 55 mm) ARM-based computer running a port of Debian Linux . . .”

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