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Inside IBM: Dan Frye and the Linux Technology Center [ConsultingTimes]

Mar 8, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In a recent interview in, Stephen E. Harris interviews Dan Frye Director of the Linux Technology Center at IBM. Frye discusses IBM's Technology center, its mission, and the 'world-class programming and innovation coming out of the community.' Harris writes . . .

“The sharp redirection of the IBM ship to the Ocean of Linux and Open Source has to be one of the most remarkable stories in industrial archives. Of course, many people were responsible for this change in course, but as co-author of the original strategy papers on both Linux and open source, Dan Frye has to be one of the chief navigators.”

“Now that the course is set for officers and crew, Dr. Frye has turned his attentions to coordinating open source developments with IBM and assuring smooth relations with the community at large. As Director of the Linux Technology Center, he oversees a variety of projects aimed at transforming Linux' fabulous technologic potential into practical business reality . . . “

CT: Can you please give our readers a little background on how IBM's Linux strategy came about?

Frye: . . . Our basic mission is to help make Linux better — not make Linux better for IBM products, just make Linux better, period. So we have about 250 people in eight countries — 25 cities — around the world who work all in open source, as peers in the community. They're working on 50-60 different projects — all aimed at making Linux better — and most aimed at making Linux better for the enterprise in particular . . .”

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