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Intel considers launching European open source lab

Mar 9, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Will Knight of ZDNet UK writes . . .

Hardware giant Intel, which has thrown its considerable weight behind the Linux operating system in recent months, said Tuesday that it is looking at creating of a European Linux research laboratory.

Ignoring the current economic downturn gripping US technology firms, Intel reaffirmed plans to spend more than $7.5B on manufacturing microprocessors and other hardware this year.

The first Open Source Development Laboratory — a non-profit alliance of Linux distributors and hardware manufacturers — was formed in Portland Oregon in January. Intel contributed to the $24M of funding behind the lab. However, given the number of open source companies in Europe and major telecommunications companies that may find Linux a viable solution, Intel is investigating the possibility of launching a similar laboratory this side of the Atlantic.

“In my opinion it would make sense,” said Pierre Cintra, technical marketing manager for Intel e-Business Solutions and Support.

“We are committed to Linux and will work with European Linux players,” said Frank Hoffmeister of Intel's software platform group.

A non-profit collaboration of technology companies, the newly formed US Open Source Developers Laboratory is working to further the use of open source software within businesses.

One project involves increasing the number of concurrent connections over TCP/IP connections — the suite of communications protocol's used to connect hosts over the Internet — from 20,000 to 64,000. This would allow Web serving companies to serve up pages to more Internet users simultaneously.

Another project involves increasing the multi-processor capacity of the Linux operating system from eight processors to 16. Intel is cooperating with Japanese hardware company NEC on this project.

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