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Intel embeds Linux in home digital media adapter

Sep 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article takes a look at a new 'home media gateway' design that was unveiled by Intel at the Intel Developer Forum in San Jose, CA. The device is expected to be manufactured by multiple consumer electronics manufacturers in Asia, and will enable the distribution of PC digital media to TVs… and stereos throughout the home.

The gadget is based on one of Intel's new XScale processors running a customized version of Linux, provides support for JPEG, MP3, and WMA digital content, utilizes 802.11b wireless networking, and supports NTSC/PAL/S-video TV connections and AC-97 stereo connection. The home media adapter is a key component of Intel's 'Extended Wireless PC Initiative', which is part of Intel's greater Digital Home initiative.

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