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Intel invests in NetBSD provider Wasabi

Sep 9, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Jose, CA; Intel Developer Forum — (press release excerpt) — Wasabi Systems, the leading commercial provider of the NetBSD operating system for embedded applications, today announced an equity investment from Intel Capital. The funding will be used, in part, to develop storage and networking products in collaboration with Intel.

Wasabi Systems is the leading provider of custom products and development services for the NetBSD operating system. NetBSD's small footprint and advanced networking capabilities are necessary components for next-generation embedded systems — the computers hidden in everyday devices such as cell phones, telecom switches and cable set-top boxes. Wasabi's customers have included manufacturers of Internet infrastructure products, storage devices, and set-top boxes.

“Wasabi's expertise and robust NetBSD development environment are a key complement to Intel's storage building block family,” said Jeff Dawkins, General Manager of Intel's Storage Components Division. “Wasabi's support of the Intel XScale technology-based I/O processors gives developers a strong starting point for developing high performance storage applications.”

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