Intel and Orange partner on MeeGo
Mar 3, 2010 — by Eric Brown — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 viewsIntel and European mobile operator Orange announced an agreement to deliver Orange multimedia services for Intel Atom-based devices running the new Linux-based, Intel/Nokia MeeGo mobile OS. The partnership aims to develop a common MeeGo-based software framework across multiple devices, say the companies.
Intel and France Telecom-owned European mobile operator Orange had few details about the partnership except to say that the companies will establish "a common software framework across multiple devices, ranging from smartphones and tablets to netbooks." In addition, Intel will provide MeeGo support for Orange Signature Services, including Orange TV and Orange Maps, say the companies.
Intel and Nokia announced the MeeGo platform at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last month. Hosted by the Linux Foundation, the MeeGo project combines two open source Linux projects: the Intel-backed Moblin and Nokia's Maemo distribution. Aimed at mobile devices ranging from handhelds to netbooks, MeeGo incorporates Nokia's Qt application framework.
So far, two companies have announced upcoming products based on MeeGo: LG's previously Moblin-based GW-990 phone, as well as a reference design from Aava Mobile (see image below). Both are built around Intel's next generation of the Atom, code-named Moorestown.

Aava Mobile's Moorestown-based smartphone reference design, which will first run on Moblin 2.1 before transitioning to MeeGo

Early MeeGo netbook UI example
T-Mobile UK and Orange UK to merge
Also this week, the European Commission granted clearance for the proposed merger of the UK-business operations of Deutsche Telekom and France Telecom. T-Mobile UK and Orange UK will join in a new venture that will "be market leader in the UK mobile market serving 29.5 million customers," says Orange. The closing of the transaction is expected this spring.
Stated Yves Maitre, SVP Devices, Orange Group, "Seventy-five percent of our customer base has yet to embrace the mobile internet. With the increasing number of phones and operating systems for customers to choose from, it is our role to make sure our customer's journey into this richer mobile multimedia environment is simple and easy."
Stated Doug Fisher, VP, Software and Services Group and GM, Systems Software Division, Intel Corp., "Combined with the MeeGo software platform, these PC-like devices will deliver a wealth of Internet, computing and communications experiences with rich graphics, multitasking and multimedia capabilities and the best applications performance."
The MeeGo site may be found here, and more information on Orange may be found at its website, here.
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