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Intel touts new “High Definition Audio” standard

Jan 9, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Intel unveiled a new moniker for its next-generation audio specification for PCs, previously codenamed “Azalia”: High Definition Audio. Intel says High Definition Audio — a name intended to reflect the marriage of advanced audio capabilities in PCs and consumer electronics (CE) — will be used to implement a range of CE-quality audio, modem, and communications functions in PCs, handhelds, and… consumer electronics (CE) devices.

According to Intel, High Definition Audio was developed with broad support from PC and CE manufacturers, codec vendors, software providers, and other industry players, and provides a flexible, dynamic, cost-effective and stable architecture with headroom for future expansion.

Read more about the 192 kHz, 32-bit, multi-channel audio technology at

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