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KDE backers form a league of their own

Nov 14, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet News reports that on Wednesday at Comdex/Fall '00, the backers of the KDE Linux desktop environment are expected to band together and form a corporate-backed group to push KDE as a viable alternative to GNOME. The move echoes a similar effort in support of GNOME at LinuxWorld, this past August. Foley writes . . .

“The formation of the so-called KDE League is expected to provide K Desktop Environment (KDE) with the same kind of big-named backing that GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) garnered in August, when a slew of companies that united to create the Gnome Foundation were announced.”

“Many of the same companies that lent their name to the GNOME cause are also expected to be on hand when the backers of KDE roll out their organization. Expected KDE League founders include Caldera, Compaq, Corel, IBM, SuSE, and TrollTech, according to sources. These companies are expected to contribute to the KDE Project, the group of hackers who have built the KDE environment, various open-source products and technologies.”

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