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Linux 2.6 OS/tools support Mot PowerPC telecom processor

Mar 11, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

TimeSys has released a “Linux Development Kit” (LDK) based on Linux 2.6 for Motorola's MPC8260 PowerPC processor. The LDK includes the Eclipse-powered TimeStorm Integrated Development Environment (IDE), cross-platform GNU toolchain, device drivers, embedded Linux distribution based on the Linux 2.6 kernel, and… user documentation.

TimeStorm LDKs based on Linux 2.6 have been beta testing for both PowerPC and x86/IA32 since since early last month.

Motorola's MPC8260 PowerQUICC II is an integrated communications processor designed for the telecommunications and networking markets. It includes a G2 embedded core and a Communications Processor Module (CPM) in a power-saving dual-processor architecture.

According to TimeSys, the 2.6 Linux kernel offers improved performance, device driver framework, expanded connectivity (i.e. Bluetooth), support for headless systems, and real-time responsiveness.

“Our products are enabling developers to realize the benefits of the Linux 2.6 kernel. Our development tools allow them to test and validate all elements of their system and application software,” said TimeSys CEO, Larry Weidman.

Pricing for the TimeStorm LDKs begins at $995 per developer seat, royalty-free. LDKs are also available for the Intel IA32 processor architecture, with additional target platforms under development.

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