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Linux-based eKa SOHO gateway

Mar 5, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 2 views

Christchurch, New Zealand — (press release) — Kiwi-Classifieds Limited (KCL) announces the introduction of the eKa SOHO Gateway, a new Linux based gateway product for Small Office Home Office (SOHO) environments. This low cost device facilitates connectivity between most information devices, including the Palm/Pocket PC, ADSL modems, Wireless LANs, Home networking peripherals, and much more . . .

The eKa SOHO Gateway is based on Linux Kernel version 2.2 and runs on a 266 MHz x86-compatible CPU with 32-64 MB of RAM. The device provides I/O interfaces for USB (2 ports), RS232 (modem/DSL), Ethernet LAN, 802.11b (11 Mbps) wireless, IrDA, and a printer port, and it has an internal 2.5-inch multi-gigabyte hard drive. Several models are available, priced from US$499 (excludes shipping and handling).

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