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Linux-based High Availability seminar series announced

May 2, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Hillsboro, OR — (press release excerpt) — GoAhead, Intel, MontaVista Software, and RadiSys today announced they will host a global seminar series to demonstrate high-availability network systems designed for the convergence of voice and data into a unified IP-based infrastructure. The program addresses issues critical to creating highly available systems with industry standards-based building blocks to meet the demands of the next-generation, modular network.

In these free seminars, key industry representatives will discuss technical requirements of the next generation network, as well as system implementation using CPUs, network processors, signaling hardware elements, and a complete OS and availability software solution. The standards-based architecture approach is designed to provide system developers with true high availability and faster time to market.

The seminar opens with an overview of next generation, modular network requirements and high availability architecture. Topics will include Platform Management, PICMG 2.16 switch fabric architecture, Service Availability middleware solutions as well as a 'hardened' Linux operating system for carrier-grade applications.

The second portion of the program will cover implementation of high availability systems in application level software, including a distributed fault-tolerant SS7 signaling solution, microcode solutions for high availability systems based on Intel IXP network processors and technologies to support high availability signaling.

For additional information or to register for this free seminar series, here.

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