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Linux-based Internet appliance wins “Best of Comdex”

Nov 18, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Gateway's new Linux-based Connected Touch Pad was the recipient of this year's “Best of Comdex” (Fall, 2000) award in the Consumer Product division. The winners are chosen by a team of editors from CNET and ZDNet. Here's what the editors said about the product . . .

“Up until now we haven't seen an Internet appliance that we could recommend without hesitation to our readers, but Gateway's new AOL-based appliance changes all that. Based on Transmeta's Crusoe processor, the Connected Touch Pad is the first Internet appliance to offer Instant AOL, providing access to AOL's content, e-mail, instant messaging, and other services. Other features that help to set it apart include a touchscreen (it has a stylus and wireless keyboard as well) and keyboard shortcuts to popular AOL destinations and services. And best of all, the $599 device works with both dial-up and broadband connections.”

Read more about the Linux-based Gateway Connected Touch Pad in this exclusive Device Profile.

Read more about this year's “Best of Comdex” awards, here.

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