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Linux-based ‘single system image clustering’ coming to IA-64

May 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Tel Aviv, Israel — (press release excerpt) — The openMosix Project has announced that a sponsor and founding member of the recently founded Gelato Federation, the Hewlett-Packard Company, has invited the openMosix Team to port openMosix to the Intel IA64 Processor Family.

The porting project by the openMosix team will begin immediately with the cooperation and technical support of HP. HP Linux Systems Operations will provide IA-64 computers to be used for the porting project development and testing.

HP, long a major participant in the IA-64 Linux Project, has recently announced significant additional commitments to the Linux Open Source community. Representative of these is the co-founding of the Gelato Federation. openMosix is the type of scalable, Open Source computing solution that Gelato seeks to bring to the IA-64.

openMosix, created and lead by kernel hacker and book author Moshe Bar, is the only Linux-based Single System Image Clustering platform in current production that is Open Source. IA-64 will offer a hardware upgrade path for thousands of current openMosix installations, totaling many dozens of thousands of individual computing nodes.

The porting project is expected to last over six months, due to the exceptional complexity of the mostly kernel-based openMosix source code. Porting openMosix will create the first native High Performance Computing (HPC) platform for the IA-64.

openMosix is a Linux kernel extension for Single System Image Clustering and is an Open Source Linux-based project under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.

Gelato Federation is a worldwide consortium focused on enabling Open Source Linux-based Intel Itanium Processor Family computing solutions for academic, government and industrial research.

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