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Linux kernel fault analysis service draws top IT, telco clients

Apr 19, 2005 — by Henry Kingman — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

VA Linux Systems of Japan says its just-launched Linux kernel failure analysis service for x86 and x86-64 has already attracted top-name customers. Early clients of the “VA Quest” service include Techno-Science Corporation (CTC), UFJIS Co., NTT Comware Corporation, and NTT Data Intellilink Corporation, it says.

VA describes its VA Quest service as a team of fifteen engineers and kernel specialists that can analyze memory dumps and kernel source code to isolate failures. The team can also provide patches, and can improve kernel code for specific applications, particularly in the IT and telecom fields, the company says.

UFJIS's head of open platforms, Yasushi Kanbara, said, “We are deploying GNU/Linux-based systems for our key systems, including banking services. We rate VA Linux's quick fix ability and practical advice in avoiding problem issues very highly.”

VA Linux maintains the open source Mini Kernel Dump (mkdump) crash analysis tool, which was released last November on X86, with X86-64 support added in January. Mkdump is a Linux-based mini-kernel that runs underneath the primary Linux kernel, providing a stable environment that can capture dumped kernel crash data.

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