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Linux “trendy” at Europe’s CeBIT technology extravaganza

Mar 13, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

“The triumphal march of Linux continues” at the giant CeBIT technology show in Hannover, Germany, observes EE Times editor Christoph Hammerschmidt. He notes that at this year's event, expected to draw over half a million visitors, there is a strong focus on all things mobile.

“Intelligence is increasingly being built into consumer electronics devices in the form of processors, memory and software,” writes Hammerschmidt.

Hammerschmidt reports that open source is being featured at one of the “Exchange Booths” (where trendy technology is showcased), where a wide range of products including embedded systems, handheld devices, and office applications are on display.

And then there's the growing presence of Linux: “One point that emerges here is that the triumphal march of Linux continues. With the exception of PDAs, Linux is now available for practically all computer platforms, even on the Sparc platform,” writes Hammerschmidt.

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