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LinuxMall: Sermon on the MontaVista

Jul 6, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article by LinuxMall's Greta Durr profiles Kevin Morgan, MontaVista Software's vice president of engineering. Durr quotes liberally from Morgan's whitepaper “Making a Business of Open Source” (see reference, below) and explores Morgan's (and MontaVista's) philosophy with respect to the benefits of open source software, in general, and embedded Linux business models, in specific. Durr writes . . .

“With 20 years of developing embedded and real-time computer systems under his belt, Kevin Morgan, MontaVista's Engineering vice president, strongly believes that Open Source is a panacea for embedded devices.”

“With Morgan's contentions about Open Source's superiority as an alternative technology and business model, comes extensive experience from his years at Hewlett Packard. There, he served as a member of HP's 1000 Computer Software Design Team, and has since specialized in operating systems (OSs) research and development.”

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Related story:
Making a Business of Open Source

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