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LynuxWorks announces LynxOS support for Intel IOP310 I/O processor

Sep 9, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Josa, CA; Intel Developer Forum — (press release excerpt) — LynuxWorks, Inc. today announced the availability of the LynxOS real-time operating system for the Intel IOP310 I/O processor chipset based on the Intel XScale technology. The Intel IOP310 I/O processor chipset is targeted at storage, networking, communications and Internet infrastructure industries.

LynxOS is uniquely positioned to serve the operating system needs for these markets, offering the full determinism and reliability necessary for mission-critical and real-time embedded applications. In the high-performance RTOS world, LynxOS uniquely offers its users the Linux processing model, POSIX conformance and open, standard application programming interfaces (APIs), and support for sophisticated hardware features of the processors, namely MMU support.

LynxOS 4.0 for the Intel IOP310 I/O processor chipset will be available October 2002.

[Further information about the IOP321 processor is available here.]

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